Thursday, December 17, 2009

CM Bookmark Quotes

Our local book club's Christmas party is fast approaching! We draw names and exchange CM bookmarks every year, and I just began my search for a quote to put on my bookmark. Someone suggested that I pull from Miss Mason's thoughts on religion and the Lord. Here are the ones I think might work, although some are rather long. Which do you like best? (Find the CM Volumes online here.)

"Religion has two aspects, the attitude of the will towards God which we understand by Christianity, and that perception of God which comes from a gradual slow-growing comprehension of the divine dealings with men." Vol. 6 p. 160

"A mother knows how to speak of God as she would of an absent father with all the evidences of his care and love about her and his children." Vol. 6 p. 159

"On the whole we shall perhaps do well to allow the Scripture reading itself to point the moral." Vol. 6 p. 166

"'Our Father' This divine name reminds us that authority is lodged in the Author of our being, and is tender, pitiful, preventive, strong to care for and wise to govern; as we see it feebly shown forth even in the best of human fathers." Vol. 3 p. 137

"We are tempted to look upon Christianity as a 'scheme of salvation' designed and carried out for our benefit; whereas the very essence of Christianity is passionate devotion to an altogether adorable Person." Vol. 3 p. 145

"Once we recognise that all thoughts that breathe and words that burn are of their nature spiritual, and appeal to the Spiritual within us––that, in fact, all intercourse of thought and feeling belongs to the realm of ideas, spiritually conveyed, the great mysteries of our religion cease to be hedged off from our common experiences." Vol. 2 p. 131

UPdated to add one more:

"And what a barren and dry land should we dwell in if our spirits were narrowed to the limits of that which we can comprehend!" Vol. 4 p. 201

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

My favorites are Vol 6 pg 159 and Vol 4 pg 201. But I think I like the last one best.

Mrs. H