Friday, December 18, 2009

In my mind tonight, I hear Aunt Essie singing this:

When overwhelmed with doubts and fears,
Great God, do Thou my spirit cheer;
Let not my eyes with tears be fed,
But to the Rock of Ages led.

When storms of sin and sorrow beat,
Lead me to this divine retreat:
Thy perfect righteousness and blood,
My Rock, my Fortress and my God.

When guilt lies heavy on my soul,
And waves of fierce temptation roll,
I'll to the Rock for shelter flee,
And take my refuge, Lord, in Thee.

When called the vale of death to tread,
Then to this Rock may I be led;
Nor fear to cross the gloomy sea,
Since Thou hast tasted death for me.

-- Thomas Ken (1637-1711)


Anonymous said...

Aunt Essie was the most sweetest, kind, and unselfish person I ever had the pleasure and blessing to know. I loved her so very much.I can hear her singing that song, too. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

What a lovely hymn. I searched to find the title online and found a recording of a cappela hymns that are free downloads. It is on one of the CD, and so lovely. The site was

Just wanted to say thank you for the new-to-me hymn from another hymn-singer/lover.

Came to your blog via the CM Carnival, and started snooping around.
