Friday, May 02, 2008

Art Appreciation On The Go

Did you know that the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) displays a famous work of art on each cover, with the artist named on the table of contents page?

Cornflower is undergoing allergy shots and we have been in the doctor's office quite a bit lately. Today Triss and I discovered that we could have fun guessing the era/school and name of artist on each cover. We were pretty good at naming era and/or school but only got one artist's name correct.

It was J.M.W. Turner and it took both of us to figure it out. I kept saying, "You know-- it looks like that guy-- with the train and the rabbit-- the Age of Steam-- do you remember?" And finally Triss said, "Oh, do you mean 'Rain, Steam and Speed'? That was Turner." And we turned the page and it was him. I forget the name of the picture though. Very desultory we are at times. Most of the time, really. Sometimes I feel as if I were a Bear of Very Little Brain seeing how much Eddication I can get into these three Tigger-girls. Wonderfully quick minds they have, if I can only get them to remain on one thought for a time. A little hyperbole, you know, to make a point. ;o)

We are going to miss the Turner exhibit at the DMA, I think. It is leaving in the next week or two. I wonder if we might still get to see it?

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