Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Cooking Day!

That is how Triss greeted Mariel this morning.

Today we have gotten up early to start some pies, and then I will run the girls over to their Goggy's house to clean under his supervision (this is their new biweekly job~ they are getting good at mopping!), while I come back and finish the pies and make gnocchi. Then I will get the girls and come home to finish making surprises for all the little cousins that will be at my parents' house tomorrow. (We just had the idea yesterday and ran out to the store and purchased supplies, worked all yesterday afternoon and evening, and have half of them done. A little Thanksgiving Spontaneity. Or a Holiday SHE Shouldn't if you read Flylady. But we are having fun. Pictures forthcoming. After The Day.*) Mariel has a violin lesson this afternoon too, and then we'll mosey over to my parents' house to greet the early arrivals and enjoy Mom's Mexican Soup.

We are going to my parents' house for Thanksgiving, too. I haven't even vacuumed this week. I am merely keeping up with laundry and dishes. (The kids did mop my floors yesterday. We got a new mop and they wanted to take it for a spin.)

Here is The List Of Pies (Mr. Honey is very pleased. I plied him with a sweet potato pie he can eat any time he wants, so perhaps he'll leave the Thanksgiving Pies alone): Pumpkin, pecan, french silk, lemon meringue, and apple.

And our recipe for gnocchi.

And in case anyone enjoys reading source documents about Thanksgiving:

President Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation

Some Thanksgiving Sites

*These, er.. things are so cute. We are really trying to resist putting pictures of them on the blog until after Thanksgiving. We can't wait till we're finished. As Triss says, we have been practicing our baby talk exclaiming over these darling little characters as they form in our hands. They aren't hard to make, either.

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