Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Day

I'm still here, just heading into hyper mode before the school year starts. I have been planning lessons, adjusting schedules, trying to picture what our days will look like and how to counteract the inevitable challenges of educating three girls while running a household and a small home business.

When my dad called tonight and asked if I had gotten some things listed on Craigslist, I had to say no, and then realized I couldn't remember what I had done all day. So just for fun, I am posting it here as I remember it (I am not listing everything the kids did because then the post would really be long):

Made breakfast (peanut butter and jelly english muffins) and ate with the girls

Read my daily Bible and prayed (yay! I'm trying to make sure I do this every day.)

Sat with Cornflower for a little while and gave her a list of schoolish things to do. She is getting bored with summer-- her actual words were, "I'm bored with summer. I want to start schoolwork now." No kidding.

Scheduled a dental appointment.

Updated my calendar with violin lesson/recital dates.

Practiced piano.

Sent and answered emails.

Corrected Mariel's math.

Loaded our first term's composer study, artist study, nature study and Shakespeare onto the Homeschool Tracker.

Sent the children to Walgreen's to pick up a dozen eggs and break a five dollar bill so I could pay them their commissions from last week.

Paid the kids their commissions.

Mediated a dispute.

Fixed lunch and ate with the girls (Macaroni and cheese, salad and watermelon, with Polish chocolate for dessert. We have these wonderful next-door neighbors who live in Chicago, but come down to Texas to visit their house every few months. They always give the kids lots of Polish chocolate when they come.)

Made a daily study schedule chart (on the computer) for all of us, and morning and evening routine lists for Mariel and Cornflower, while the kids did their chores.

Inspected the chores.

Cleaned up the schoolroom.

Redid my to-do list. I get about half the list done and then rewrite it.

Fielded a couple of phone calls regarding fall term classes/lessons. Some of the schedule may change.

Taught piano lessons.

Visited with a friend for a few minutes and got to see photos of the gorgeous church she sang in this weekend. :o)

Fixed supper (Grilled chicken sandwiches, salad, beans and watermelon).

And so on. After supper, I reminded Mariel to practice violin, helped her with her scales, messed with the calendar some more, then played piano while the girls danced in the living room. And I got a phone call from this wonderful mom who lives in our neighborhood and would like to exchange babysitting for art lessons. (We would babysit and she would teach art lessons.) We are going to try it out this week. Triss and I read _Emma_ together before she went to bed. Mr. Honey figured out how to connect my computer to the printer again. (Something about Windows Vista not corresponding to the older printer program.) And then he watched Olympics with the sound turned down while Triss listened to me read aloud.

Now I am going to bed. Triss' poetry book (_The Roar on the Other Side_) came today and I am going to skim through it before I go to sleep. Good night!

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