Thursday, June 05, 2008

Packing Progress Post V

Well, we got the robe situation resolved. The Queen clued me in to some alternate wardrobe choices and the upshot of it is that Triss will wear a robe she already has that is around knee length, with a longer nightgown peeking out the bottom (she is opposed to sleep pants). Triss is extremely satisfied with this solution. I am happy too because it means no robe shopping tomorrow.

Triss and Mariel mowed the lawn for us this morning, and we collected everyone's clothes. I intended to do some ironing, but never got to it. I had a lot of phone calls today for some reason.

After the lawns were done, Triss got the tents down and tried to set them up in 50-55 mph winds. Not an easy thing to do. She got the little two-man tent set up, then started on the big tent, but the wind kept catching it. It looked like it might blow over the fence, so we brought it in. I think we are just going to assume the tent will go up fine at singing school. I cannot believe these winds-- they have been blowing for at least two or three days. The wind actually blew the two-man tent over our fence into the street! The kids wanted to camp out in the backyard tonight, but there is a tornado watch so we had to say no.

My mom arrived at our house just in time to see the tent blowing away, so we were able to rescue it. She treated me to a lovely pedicure just because she is such a loving mother. (Thanks, Mom! It was sooo relaxing!) So now I have beautiful tootsies. I don't even have to look at them to enjoy them-- I can just think about them being down there all polished and pretty, and feel good. I get even more enjoyment out of it because I am dismal at polishing my own nails. (Mr. Honey says it is silly to take so much pleasure in toenail polish, and I cannot explain myself. But I do like having dressy toes!)

In other news, we have been keeping to our summer half-schedule this week in spite of packing for singing school. Today Triss took a pre-algebra diagnostic test to see what she ought to review this summer before beginning Algebra I. She only missed one problem, yay, so she doesn't have to deal with math until August sometime, when we will redo the diagnostic and make sure all the concepts stuck through the summer.

Not only that, but Mariel got 100% on her math today and got to treat us all to Sonic Happy Hour! Thanks, Mariel!

Tomorrow is crunch day. We will do some shopping to fill in a couple of clothing gaps, buy groceries for the weekend and take Cornflower for her allergy shots. Then we each need to iron any of our dresses that don't meet the 'ten minute test'. This is an ironing test that I learned when I used to attend La Leche League meetings: You look at each wrinkled item and decide whether or not it would look like that anyway after ten minutes of wearing. If it would, you call it ready-to-wear. If it is more wrinkled than that, you need to iron it.

So that is the singing school packing update for today. I hope I'm not boring anyone too much!

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