Note the patched, cut-off and just plain holey jeans. We did not go back-to-school shopping-- but, at Mariel's suggestion, we did wear our CM Book Club shirts as a silent, day-long pep rally.
At the end of our first week my mind is vigorously spinning again. I am a mass of plans and questions-- ought we to do one more chapter in the old math book or chuck it and move on to the new? Ought Triss to learn formal notetaking at this stage or should we leave that for later? How should I rearrange memory work and recitation? They fell off our days this week. What is the best way to begin written narration for an eager but slow writer? Shouldn't I call the kids and have them get cleaned up for bed? I think our home might be contributing to our environmental allergies. I wonder if any of us are allergic to milk? When can we start that multiple food elimination diet?
Another time, when I confessed to Javamom about these racing mind-moments (whole evenings, really), she said that when she has been working so hard that her brain cannot shut off, she tends to watch a favorite movie or do some other easy, enjoyable thing. I began rereading Jane Eyre last night (for probably the 20 or 30th time). I have been reading books on learning differences, books on allergies, books on Ye Olde, Olde England and books on math, and I needed for a book that feels like a break. Thanks for the advice, Javamom.
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