We had a tea supper. Early for supper, late for tea. I decided to do it that way so I wouldn't have to cook a meal, lol! It took about thirty minutes to get everything ready. The menu included:
* Red grapes and watermelon (in separate bowls)
* A very interesting attempt at elegant finger food (smoked turkey and lettuce on a toothpick, garnished with carrot slivers):

(You cannot see the carrots because I garnished the dish after the picture. It looked pretty.)
* Quick biscuits prettied up and disguised as scones:

* Butter, peanut butter, jelly..
* A lovely tea from Tom Thumb called Evening Delight (on sale for $1.25-- I get extra points for being frugal!)
* Honey and half and half for the tea
* Popsicles for dessert
We quite enjoyed ourselves, and the girls looked spectacular in their costumes, but every picture I took of them turned out blurry. And we got through three scenes of Twelfth Night. (I was reading the No Fear modern version alongside the original and I'm not so sure I want to do that again. I had to keep reminding myself that the kids just had the original version and could not see what I was seeing.)
I think blog-accountability worked quite well in this instance. We got busy today, and I probably would have put off the Shakespeare and tea thing if Javamom hadn't asked this afternoon if we had had tea yet.
Maybe you should go all out next time
But really, it is absolutely beautiful! Did Mr. Honey get to join in the fun, too? The girls will remember this for a long time, even if you don't go all out next time!
We participated in something cultural as well. We spent the afternoon at the symphony, the first concert weekend of the year. We switched out tickets from our regular sat. night performance, since we had a big family party/reunion to go to.
Have a good week!
LOL! Did you catch the part where I put tea in place of dinner? This made it easy to fix a nice tea!
Mr. Honey was taking a nap-- he had surgery on his eye this past Thursday and was still in recovery mode. We invited him to participate, but I think all the girliness was too much.
How exciting to get to go to the symphony!
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