But it is good to be back. Living in a tent that long really makes me appreciate four sturdy walls and a solid roof!
On another subject, I never did give an update on Mr. Honey's knee. He had tests and things and thankfully he will not need surgery. It appears to be a strained ligament and nothing is torn. He is already feeling better. A week of sitting in class rather than crawling around, under and into dish machines surely helped the healing process.
And here is what we found at home:

This spider had a large, multi-orbed (is that a word?) web that extended from the downspout near our back door down to the ground. It was connected on one side to a blade of grass:

(This is what happens when there are no girls playing in the backyard for over a week.)
And we also found a little frog, cousin to the hundreds (maybe even thousands) of little frogs that entertained the kids out at the singing school all week:

(By Thursday, the mothers had decided to stage a "Free The Frogs" protest, which was wholly ineffective, but a lot of fun.)
With our family trip behind us, my thoughts are turning toward organization for the next school year. This past year, though productive, was not well organized at all. I am still looking for the happy medium between being scheduled and stressed, and knowing where we are going but not keeping organized about it. What I really want to do is rest in the Lord, make plans, and move forward in an organized manner, with a prayerful eye toward sidetracks. I can feel that I am getting a little stressed about organization right now, and that means I am not resting in Him, but relying on my own control. I guess a little more prayer is in order.
Before I can get deep into planning once again, we must get our house back in order from our trip. And I still have four photo albums to fill with old pictures.
So that is where I am tonight. It is good to be home. I have actually gotten excited at the prospect of clean towels.
Welcome Home, Mother Auma and family!
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