Monday, October 31, 2011

The Morning Classroom

First thing each day we work as a group, and then I work with each student individually.  The Warrior Poet installed an HDMI cable so I can project whatever is on my computer onto the television.  Very handy!  I project chapters of read-alouds onto the TV so the kids can follow along.  Sometimes I highlight sentences or words to illustrate a point.  We also project running lists of characters, etc., onto the TV using the Office program on my computer.  Homeschooling in the 21st Century...

(Note the Amazon box, coffee cup, and Legos-- all indispensible educational tools!  Also, please note the Oxford English Dictionary-- on the entertainment center table-- awaiting its usefulness.)

In this picture, Mariel and I have just finished sorting through her ANI for Lesson 3 of LTW.  We listed her main proofs and subproofs on the white board and now she is copying them into her notebook.

We study throughout the house, but the living room is always our morning classroom.  We enjoy the light that comes through the south-facing windows.

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