Monday, January 04, 2010

About that pantry dealybopper...

Just a quick post to say that I misread Mama Squirrel's post on the Eat From The Pantry challenge. I thought she had decided to participate, but she was only thinking about it. I apologize for not paying closer attention. I'll read more carefully next time. Ya'll are really kind to put up with me.

Also, we are going to need to do more purchasing than I originally thought-- more meat, and possibly more grains. It'll be more of a Clean Out The Pantry challenge, I guess, since I am still trying to get through the foods that have been around awhile.

I haven't purchased groceries yet this month, and here is what we have eaten for dinner, starting tonight and working backwards to Jan. 1:

Garlic Chicken, rice and stir-fry veggies
Ham-potato soup, saltine crackers, broccoli and raw carrots
Fried ham and potatoes with apple slices
Pinto beans and cornbread

A little repetitious, but that never hurt anybody. Here are my plans for Tuesday and Wednesday (Thursday I will go to the store):

Scrambled eggs, biscuits and orange slices
Mexican soup (from the freezer) and rolls (left over from Christmas)

1 comment:

Mama Squirrel said...

"It'll be more of a Clean Out The Pantry challenge, I guess, since I am still trying to get through the foods that have been around awhile."

Yes--that's kind of what we're doing too!

I have been enjoying reading your meal ideas--sounds like we are kind of in the same waters.