Saturday, June 02, 2012


"Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof."  --King Solomon

We have not yet finished all our AO/HEO readings for the year.  Here is a list of what we are reading or have read in the last three months.  Most of these books will be finished by mid-July or earlier.

The journey is vital and perhaps more important, but finishing is valuable too.

Cornflower (AO Year 5)

Story of the World Vol. 4 by Susan Wise Bauer
Book of Marvels by Richard Halliburton (finished yesterday)
Age of Fable (this will go for another year)
Poetry of Paul Dunbar and John Greenleaf Whittier
Usborne Complete Book of the Human Body (not my first choice, but I couldn't find our copy of Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5, and this is what we had at hand)
This Country of Ours (almost finished after three years!)
Inventing the Future (biography of Thomas Edison-- finished)
Passion for the Impossible (biography of Lilias Trotter)
The Sciences by Edward Holden (almost finished)
Kim by Rudyard Kipling
Battlefield of the Mind for Kids by Joyce Meyers

Mariel (HEO Year 8)

English Literature for Boys and Girls
The Case for Christ (finished)
The New World (2nd volume of Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples)
Essays of Sir Francis Bacon
Christopher Columbus, Mariner (finished)
A Coffin for King Charles
Secrets of the Universe (Fleisher)
The History of Art by Jansen (almost finished-- we are going to read Van Loon's art history book next year as a group)
Kon Tiki (finished)
Poetry of Milton
How to Read a Book (Adler/Van Doren)
Ourselves by Charlotte Mason

Aravis (HEO Year 11)

The Hiding Place (finished)
Is God a Moral Monster? (finished)
A Short History of Western Civilization 
Testament of Youth (finished)
The Men Behind Hitler (finished)
Economics in One Lesson (finished)
On Writing Well
Six Easy Pieces
The Microbe Hunters (finished)
Amusing Ourselves to Death (finished)
The Chosen (finished)
Fahrenheit 451 (finished)
The Hungarian Revolt (finished)
Nuremberg:  the Justice Trial (finished)
Brideshead Revisited (finished)
Darwin's Black Box
History of Art (Jansen)
When God goes to Starbucks
A History of the American People by Paul Johnson
Ourselves by Charlotte Mason

All of Us Together

Leviticus (finished)
1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossions, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James 1 & 2 Peter, 1/2/3 John, Jude (finished-- we read these fast because we wanted to read the letters as *whole epistles*-- the way they had been read originally)
Romans (with our church)
The Holy War by John Bunyan
Emma by Jane Austen
Madam How and Lady Why (Mariel and Cornflower and I-- almost finished after two years!)

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