Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Term 2 Exams: Biography

Here is Aravis' response to the question, "How did Anne Frank serve others?"
Anne Frank didn't realize she was serving others. She never meant to share her diary – it was her only girlfriend at a time when friends were scarce – but the little book gave a face to the millions of ordinary people who were killed in the Holocaust. Anne had a normal, happy childhood until she had to go into hiding, not long after she started her diary. The rambling journal tells about the tension between her and her mother, her inability to relate to her sister, the awkwardness of falling in love and the constant bickering between the families with honesty, directness, and more than a little dissatisfaction with her own role. “They don’t ever seem to understand me,” she often complained to the diary she called “Kitty”. “One day I’m Anne who is so clever and nearly grown-up, and is allowed to hear all sorts of interesting things. The next day Anne mustn’t stick her nose into the grown-ups’ business and ought to tend to her studies.” Any girl could sympathize with Anne’s angst, which draws the reader in to the story of Jews in hiding. Her Everyman quality made people care about the individual victims of the Holocaust.
(I wish she had added paragraph breaks!  But I like the content.)

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