Sunday, August 20, 2006


I am still learning this new blog. I have a quote I would like to have appear in the sidebar, and I hope it will. We'll see. But it is too good not to share, regardless of my success in adding it to the template, so here it is:

"Friends, if we be honest with ourselves, we shall be honest with each other."

--George MacDonald
And this was the runner-up:

"Truth is such a rare thing, it is delightful to tell it."
--Emily Dickinson

I used to think I was a pretty honest person. Then I started to read about truth, honesty and justice; and I learned that it isn't merely representing events accurately. It's a whole way of life.

"Justice requires that we should take steady care every day to yield his rights to every person we come in contact with; that is, 'to do unto others as we would that they should do unto us: to hurt nobody by word or deed'; therefore we must show gentleness to the persons of others, courtesy to their words, and deference to their opinions, because these things are due. We must be true and just in all our dealing. Veracity, fidelity, simplicity, and sincerity must therefore direct our words. Candour, appreciation, discrimination must guide our thoughts. Fair-dealing, honesty, integrity must govern our actions. " (CM Series, Vol. 4 p. 137)

Whew, that's a tall order. But I am reassured:

"It is quite plain that to think fairly, speak truly, and act justly towards all persons at all times and on all occasions, which is our duty, is a matter requiring earnest thought and consideration––is, in fact, the study of a lifetime. We might be a little discouraged by the thought of how much is due from us to all our neighbours everywhere, if it were not that justice is within us, ready to rule; that the Lords in waiting of his court wait upon his bidding. Candour, sincerity, simplicity, integrity, fidelity, and the rest are our servants at command, and what we have to do is to find our way about in the Circuit of justice, to recognise the dues of others as they come before us, and behold! we have in hand always that coin of the realm of justice wherewith to pay the dues of all our neighbours. It is a great thing to know this; to be able to walk about wealthy in the streets of our Mansoul, and to know that we have wherewith to pay our way on all hands. Many a poor soul goes a pauper; he has all the coinage of Justice, but does not know it, and therefore does not use it. He is blind because he fixes his eyes all the time on his own rights and other people's duties; therefore he cannot see other people's rights and his own duties; that is, he cannot be just. " (CM Series Vol. 4 p. 138-139)

The greatest assurance, however, comes from this Man's example:

"I am the way, the truth and the life." (John 14:6)


Katie said...

Yay! I did it! Thank you, Webmonkey!

Javamom said...

Nice blog :-)


G.L.H. said...

Hi! It's good to find you here. I am barbieheart over at hsb, but here I post under G.L.H.

Will follow you often!